Victorian woman Kathryn Beaton says repeated, illegal denials of service from drivers refusing to allow her guide dog into their vehicles have left her effectively housebound.

Edited to add: “anxious and in tears” is some shit tier headline writing when the real problem is the loss of independence and freedom, and the hours she has had to spend waiting just to be actively discriminated against.

    2 years ago

    This kind of stuff isn’t limited to people who have service dogs. A friend of mine has been having a rough time lately because they’re a wheelchair user and they keep having taxis mess them around. Stuff like saying the wheelchair won’t fit in the boot, or parking somewhere inaccessible then getting pissy and saying “I wouldn’t have taken the job if I’d known it would be like this”, even though access needs were mentioned on the booking.

    And if anyone’s wondering, yes, this is discriminatory, there’s pretty clear laws against this in my country, but trust me, as someone who spent 2+ years trying to get some justice from that process, it’s even more inaccessible than the taxis (in terms of time, effort and money involved)