Snow Bros. Wonderland, a sequel to the beloved arcade game Snow Bros., is scheduled for worldwide release on November 28th, 2024 by Clear River Games and Tatsujin. The eagerly anticipated title will be available on PS5, and Nintendo Switch both physically and digitally. The PS4 release will be digital only.
This 3D puzzle-adventure experience features challenging bosses, newly designed characters, and voice acting, aiming to carry forward the legacy of the Nick & Tom twins. This time Nick Jr. and Tom Jr. must defend Snow Land from the Great King of Evil, Atchich.
What do you think about this new direction for the franchise? Do you think the shift to 3D will work?
Idk, it seems pretty janky from the trailer, so cautiously optimistic. Been forever i heard of the name, it’s one of my favorite game from the NES
Nope. This has nothing to do with Nick and Tom. What were they thinking?!
Looks pretty bad. I’ll stick to the original.