I got hurt kinda badly on the job a few weeks back and so far the process has been agonizing between a RN that didn’t believe I was in pain, an employer that seems to be laying groundwork for firing me a and a worker’s comp insurance company that is more than a little loose with the timing of their payments. The whole thing has me pretty anxious, unable to do most things I enjoy and in a whole boatload of pain.

Anyone had an experience with an on-the-job injury? How’d it go? Any tales of full healing and victory over disability to brighten my outlook?

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Not much of a story, this was years ago when I worked for a Honda supplier on a welding line. I got my hand clamped in a machine that used robot welders. I’m not even sure how I did it to be honest, since typically it required two hands to push buttons to clamp everything up on those lines. It was clamped for a few seconds before somebody got it free, hurt like shit, I get sent to the ER for an hour or two. Got prescribed pain meds, but otherwise no broken bones, it’s whatever, nothing serious, go back to work to finish my shift even. It’s numb for a few weeks but eventually have a full recovery.

    The most infuriating thing about the experience relates to how work handles the accident. You see, they gave out bonuses every year if you had perfect attendance. That year I had absolutely perfect attendance, up until I had to go to the ER. Fuckingremovedmotherfuckingasholes made me lose my attendance bonus over that shit. I don’t even remember the amount at this point, it was over 10 years ago, so it was peanuts, but just the amount of dedication it took at the time to not be late for one whole year, only to have it stripped away for that was maddening. Fuck those people.