You can’t use your GDP to pay off debts. Wouldn’t it be better if we used how much % of a goverments budget goes towards servicing debts?

    29 days ago

    Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t this sort of the deficit.

    Revenue-expenditures is deficit in the simplest terms I understand

    In the guide below they don’t use gdp for national deficit but every thing I see for fiscal deficit has gdp. So I guess one is measure of nations economy versus the government budget. A nation’s economy it makes since to use gdp because that is all the money moved by productions so to show the economy of a nation’s is able to produce more than it indebts itself is important

      29 days ago

      It’s not the deficit, no. As you correctly stated, the definition of deficit doesn’t involve GDP. You could measure deficit as a proportion of GDP to compare deficits across differently-sized economies, but that’d be a different statistic. For example, imagine:

      • Australia has: GDP $1,000; government revenue $500; government expediture $600

      • New Zealand has: GDP $500; government revenue $200; government expediture $300

      Both have a deficit of $100 per year. If they have been running the $100 per year deficit for ten years, both have $1000 in debt. For Australia that’s a 200% debt -to-revenue ratio, but for NZ it’s 500%.