Aatrox doesn’t scale well enough into lategame to build for teamfights, so he wants to build something to stomp lane with. Dirk into Eclipse does that well, Goredrinker doesn’t have that 1 item powerspike. Eclipse also gives shields every few seconds so it does provide some effective HP, it gives move speed, and the extra damage also translates into effective HP. The only redeeming factor of Gore is its active when you stand in 5 people, but Aatrox is not tanky enough to do that anyways…
Aatrox doesn’t scale well enough into lategame to build for teamfights, so he wants to build something to stomp lane with. Dirk into Eclipse does that well, Goredrinker doesn’t have that 1 item powerspike. Eclipse also gives shields every few seconds so it does provide some effective HP, it gives move speed, and the extra damage also translates into effective HP. The only redeeming factor of Gore is its active when you stand in 5 people, but Aatrox is not tanky enough to do that anyways…