The kid supposedly just walked up and punched my kid in the cheek in class, and chased them with scissors just a few days ago (corroborated by the teacher).

I know shit happens, and they’re a resilient kid, so it’s not too big a deal. But I also want to raise hell to get this kid away from them. What’s the next incident going to be?

I understand the structural and societal issues here - the kid probably doesn’t have a great home life, and the school doesn’t really have anything they can do that will help him.

Idk, just feeling conflicted and looking for thoughts.

    5 months ago

    Nobody protects kids who are the victims. It’s sad but true and it carried into adulthood. It might sound barbaric but martial arts, boxing, these things are life changers for kids who are on the receiving end of violence because the principals and teachers can’t or won’t do anything.