• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    Well since we’re talking about Keynes… in the long run we’re all dead anyway.

    It seems you might be on the more theological side of the socialism thing. The socialists that believe there’s an inevitable end times coming.

    I’ve always wondered… why are we in “late stage capitalism” now, but we weren’t in late stage capitalism in the great depression of the 1930s? If this inevitable end times socialist judgment day can be forestalled long enough for people to have entire lives where they work for a fair wage, have houses, raise families, etc. why can’t it be forestalled permanently? In the long run we’re all dead anyway.

    Any machine will inevitably break. The rational solution isn’t to try to invent a new machine that won’t break (because that’s impossible), but to do the required maintenance and repairs needed to keep the machine working. Both socialism and capitalism are machines. They will both break without maintenance. Keynesian policies, trust-busting, labour uniions, etc are well known ways of keeping the machine of capitalism in good working order. Just had a problem with oil prices causing economic chaos leading to “Reaganomics” (which was a scam) that got us to be into second so-called “late stage capitalism” phase. But things are swinging back towards the policies (and way from the oil chaos) that had the economy running smoothly for over 60 years before oil and Reagan screwed it all up.