Can we be better please UK? WTF!

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
    2 months ago

    That’s not doubled? It’s a lot, but not double.

    Sums are hard.

    Instead of linking to the cited report, clicking on the link you would expect to link to the source instead links to an aggregate of that term on the same website.

    Classic dodgy news site linking, as it keeps you locked in getting bombarded by their ads.

    It also allows them to be more sensationalist. The Beeb also report on this and say:

    Police say the sharp rise is likely to be down to more people reporting what has happened to them, rather than more crimes being committed.

    The End Violence Against Women Coalition, a campaign group, said the figures were likely to be a result of more women being willing to report crimes, rather than sexual offences increasing in number.

    A new app for reporting allegations – Railway Guardian – has been downloaded more than 146,000 times.

    That was launched in July 2022 and the official statement says the increase in reports is a positive thing. I’d, personally, think an increase in convictions would be the best thing but more reports is a start.

      2 months ago

      I tend to agree. The report states:

      BTP has continued its efforts to tackle violence against women and girls. This year saw a 25% increase in recorded violent crimes against women and girls, a 99% increase in crimes involving sexual harassment and a 2% increase in sexual offences.3 This does not necessarily mean an increase in occurrence of these crimes but that victims are more confident and willing to report it because of the messaging and efforts across the network.


      2 Violence against the person increased from 11,599 in 2021/22 to 12,977 in 2022/23. Robbery increased from 1,088 in 2021/22 to 1,475 in 2022/23. 3 Violent crimes against women and girls increased from 7,561 in 2021/22 to 9,438 in 2022/23. Crimes involving sexual harassment increased from 873 in 2021/22 to 1,736 in 2022/23. Sexual offences increased from 2,235 in 2021/22 to 2,285 in 2022/23.

      Furthermore, when it comes to violent crimes and robberies, the report states:

      BTP recorded 12% more violence against the person offences and a 36% increase in robbery in 2022/23 compared to the previous year 2. However, both crimes saw a reduction in the number of crimes per million passenger journeys. There were 4.7 violence against the person offences per million passenger journeys and 0.5 robbery offences per million passenger journeys in 2022/23, down from 6.1 and 0.6 respectively.

      No such affordance has been made for violent crimes against women and girls. The report mentions:

      The Office of Rail and Road reported a 46% increase in passenger rail journeys in 2022-23, compared to 2021-22. Therefore, I am not surprised to see that notifiable crimes have also increased, and BTP is changing and adapting its ways of working in order to tackle this increase in an operating environment which is very different post-pandemic.

      So off the top of my head violent crimes against women and girls increased by ((9,438 - 7,561) / 7,561) * 100 = ~24.8% while journeys have increased by 46%. This means violent crimes against women and girls have actually gone down with respect to the number of journeys taken in total.

      This website has to be the shittiest journalism I’ve seen in a while, it’s a blatant content mill. Not only do they get the raw numbers wrong (the cited numbers do not yield results when Ctrl + F’d), they also draw the opposite conclusion from what the numbers do state. Clowns.

        2 months ago

        I love the fact that on this site people are not getting stirred up into a fury because a “news” site is saying that they should be, but instead the journalism is getting pulled apart and shown to be sensationist bullshit.

        Long may it continue.