This post appears to show that they’re arguing that nuclear bombs “aren’t that bad”, as it’s missing the important context that they’re actually talking about the safety of nuclear power — or, rather, they’re arguing that nuclear power isn’t as dangerous as people might think — by using the lingering radiation from the nuclear bombings as an example.
I want to be clear that I’m not arguing that their argument is sound, but this post is bordering on disinformation.
This post appears to show that they’re arguing that nuclear bombs “aren’t that bad”, as it’s missing the important context that they’re actually talking about the safety of nuclear power — or, rather, they’re arguing that nuclear power isn’t as dangerous as people might think — by using the lingering radiation from the nuclear bombings as an example.
I want to be clear that I’m not arguing that their argument is sound, but this post is bordering on disinformation.
Ah yes “Nuclear power is good because Hiroshima really wasn’t that bad” Stable genius take right there