committed to posting how problematic Mr true also can be since I’ve had some complaints
I don’t know the context but this seems a pretty reasonable reaction to learning you’re going to be father of triplets. I’m sure that once he’s calmed down he’ll be back to fulfil his duties
Even Ben Wyatt lost his nerve
I knew a guy who had planned on having two kids with his wife. They had two daughters, but then changed their plan and decided to have a third kid, trying for a son.
They ended up with triplets being born, all three being girls.
Life just said fuck these two in particular.
Ok so where’s the problematics
I’m not sure if many children = bad in the comic, or if it is more nuanced.
But triplets fight on average a lot more, and imagine 3 mini Everett Trues going et eachother! I’d jump out the window too.
Three babies at once is… a lot. I have twins, and I look in awe upon triplet parents.
The comic is called “outbursts of everett true”, not “problematics featuring everett true”.
Hes just having one of his outbursts.
Rare moment where True causes violence on himself instead of others
How could a man that large leave a hole that small?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fast objects shrink. Due to the enormous speed of True jumping out of the window he shrinked(at least from our perspective causing this small hole).
Honestly same
If I can trauma dump for a sec, my dad has told me multiple times that the effects of racism wouldn’t be as bad if black people were better fathers.
My cousin just had triplets (and already had 2 elementary-school-aged kids) and they sure have got their hands full. Thankfully they have a lot of family support. But I’m sure their initial reaction was similar!
At least he didn’t chuck the Dr out!
Hah, he literally bursts out. I see this as more of a Face Fault, which is like a Facepalm but stronger. Obviously if he wanted to flee, turning and running would be more efficient.