Personally, I have a subscription to Shonen Jump’s app and love it, while kmanga insists on trying to get you to buy individual chapters, which I refuse to do.
Shounen Jump is a great example. It works, it’s readers find value in it enough to pay for subscriptions, and it clearly has some sort of profitability. A great model of what other manga magazines could do, but they refuse because most of them are run by dinosaurs and would rather cry “piracy is ruining our profits wah” when they DON’T EVEN HAVE A PRODUCT in the market to profit from!
Personally, I have a subscription to Shonen Jump’s app and love it, while kmanga insists on trying to get you to buy individual chapters, which I refuse to do.
Piracy is a service problem
Shounen Jump is a great example. It works, it’s readers find value in it enough to pay for subscriptions, and it clearly has some sort of profitability. A great model of what other manga magazines could do, but they refuse because most of them are run by dinosaurs and would rather cry “piracy is ruining our profits wah” when they DON’T EVEN HAVE A PRODUCT in the market to profit from!