"Medicare for All promises a system that is fairer, more efficient, and vastly less expensive than America's bloated, monopolized, over-priced and under-performing private health insurance system."
Oh they know, at least on some level—which is why they removed and moan if you mess with their Medicare. But a proposal like this would let too many ‘undesirables’ into the system, and they can’t have that!
It’s also why they want churches and churches only to minister to ‘unfortunates’. That way they can be sure their money is going to proper White, Good Christian poor people instead of those ‘icky brown people’.
I swear, this childish tribalism is going to be the death of our country.
Tribalism? We have deluded whites who still think that regime cares about them more than the rest. The only real benefit is the them jerking each other off lol
After civil rights, it has been steady decline for them but the racism among some and elitism among others makes them easy to govern for owner class.
*Except the ones that keep voting for Republicans
Oh they know, at least on some level—which is why they removed and moan if you mess with their Medicare. But a proposal like this would let too many ‘undesirables’ into the system, and they can’t have that!
It’s also why they want churches and churches only to minister to ‘unfortunates’. That way they can be sure their money is going to proper White, Good Christian poor people instead of those ‘icky brown people’.
I swear, this childish tribalism is going to be the death of our country.
Tribalism? We have deluded whites who still think that regime cares about them more than the rest. The only real benefit is the them jerking each other off lol
After civil rights, it has been steady decline for them but the racism among some and elitism among others makes them easy to govern for owner class.
Boomers got government healthcare but it is not enough I heard 🤡