This whole series is great btw. If you have the time, I thoroughly suggest watching it from the start.

PS: This explains the typical online tankie hot-takes so well.

    3 months ago

    Welp. It’s 4am and that was a pretty good watch. Sounds like Occam’s Razor.

    So are we going with extremely convenient idiots from the Right stalling an American budget to effectively give Russia the largest gains since shortly after the war started, while tanking a fragile economy into a recession for political gain with absent minded Americans failing to connect those dots? Or are we going with direct Russian funding of politicians that lack any campaign finance transparency and are willing to rally behind a traitor felon as having some kind of ethics?

    God that was the most Fox and corporate clown media I’ve seen in a decade. That is some remarkable subhuman filth. The existence of Fox is a crime against humanity, but the rest is not better.