The Spider of Locks is the goddess we associate today with shoplifting, assassins, crimes, and other things that you generally would want to get away with. Those who are attracted to her are usually untrustworthy, but there was once a time where paradoxically, followers of the goddess who were virtuous and honest actually frustrated her by making it difficult for her to fulfill her purpose.

The Spider Goddess attracted a small following during the times of mystery cults, and this caused her to become revered as a goddess of thieves. However, this religious veneration towards her caused her to be unable to steal things or sneak around, as her followers wished to follow her wherever she went and always shouted for her to ask for blessings or grant her offerings. She soon became frustrated with those faithful to her and asked them to leave her alone, but more would always come to her secret temple where she hid other fugitives.

One day, the group attracted so much attention that their temple was found, which caused an outrage from The Spider of Locks. “You have turned my den of thieves into a place of worship, and for that you are to leave and never return!” she said to them, as she commanded them to immediately leave unless they wished to sneak around and steal. Only one third of her followers remained, but those who stayed were those she could help, which were assassins, thieves, and generally shifty and cunning people.