Dear MicroG

The instructions say

Before installing the ZIP you should check that it has the correct signature. You have to use a Python script to verify the signature, available here. Install Python 3 (if not already done) and the required packages (as explained in the README), then run:

python3 lineageos4microg_pubkey

I have no experience of verifying signatures.

I have no experience of python.

I think I have downloaded and installed Python 3 correctly.

I have downloaded the microG zip.

Could you talk me through the steps to check the signature please ?

In case it’s important - I am using macOS 10.13

Yours sincerely ROMMMELLL

  • khaosoi@discuss.tchncs.deM
    1 year ago

    cd means change directory. Its a CLI (Terminal) tool to - as the names suggests - change the directory you want to work in. It our case the folder with the unzipped files.

    Assuming your Mac username is “rommmelll” and that zip file is in your downloads folder, the path should be something like “/Users/rommmelll/Downloads/update_verifier-master”. So the command cd /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/update_verifier-master should work.

    Hint: you can use the tab key to auto-complete here. Type cd /Users/r and press tab and it should fill in to cd /Users/rommmelll. Terminal app will try to autocomplete everything after the last /, in this case r. If there is more than one option with r it will list them and you can specify it more with rom and press tab again. See this video for example, for a few more details.

    Once you’ve cd’d into that folder you can continue with the python3 command from above.

    Note: If you don’t specify a full path, something like /Users/rommmelll/some/, the Terminal app will always expect the files you’re referencing in the current directory. So either use cd as mentions above, or use full qualified paths. Use pwd (print working directory) to find out which path you’re currently in.

    Also have a look at some tutorials regarding the Mac Terminal.

    • ROMMMELLL@discuss.tchncs.deOP
      1 year ago

      Dear K

      I changed the directory as you instructed.

      Afterwards, in the CLI, I typed pwd and hit enter.

      In reply it showed the path ending in update_verifier-master

      I typed python3 lineageos4microg_pubkey /Users/my user name/Downloads/ and hit enter

      In reply it showed

      Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/my user name/Downloads/update_verifier-master/”, line 6, in <module> from pyasn1.codec.der.decoder import decode as der_decoder ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyasn1’

      Did I do something wrong ?

      • khaosoi@discuss.tchncs.deM
        1 year ago

        Please read and understand those prompts. Python missing the module pyasn1 (python3-pyasn1). Its mentioned in the readme as a requirement.

        You can install it via pip3 also as described in the readme.

        If you don’t have pip3 installed on your Mac, I think you can get it via brew. I don’t have a Mac myself, so I’m not entirely sure.

        • ROMMMELLL@discuss.tchncs.deOP
          1 year ago

          Dear K

          I found I do have pip3. I installed pyasn1 using pip3.

          I tried again, and got an error message. This time I needed rsa. Which I installed using pip3.

          I typed python3 etc…

          In reply it showed

          verified successfully

          Thankyou very much for taking the time to help me.

          Yours sincerely ROMMMELLL

            • ROMMMELLL@discuss.tchncs.deOP
              1 year ago

              Dear K

              I tried to flash the recovery, but it wouldn’t read the file.

              Then I remembered what you taught me about changing the directory.

              I thought, " Could it hurt to cd into Downloads to tell it where the file is ? "

              I ran the CLI command and it flashed the recovery no problem.

              The same with the adb sideload.

              And now I have LOS4MG on my S4.

              Thanks for taking the time to help me.

              Yours sincerely ROMMMELLL

              • khaosoi@discuss.tchncs.deM
                1 year ago

                Great to hear.

                You can always address files via absolute or relative paths.


                cd /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/
                adb sideload lineageos-recovery.img

                or absolute:

                adb sideload /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/lineageos-recovery.img

                Maybe you want to learn a little more about paths to understand how to reference files.

                I suggest you read a little further on that topic and play around with the terminal. Find some tutorial videos if that works better for you.