Not when did you come out, that’s a whole different story, but when did you know you were a gay bro?

I’ve always been excited by other guys, I remember being very young (like 7/8) and getting a bit too into the wrestling. My parents turned it off 😩

I was around 13 when someone said something about ‘gay’ and I learned it was a whole thing. It was like a light bulb moment and a bunch of things instantly made sense. And that was it, came out to some friends not long after and that was it.

How about you guys?

  • Speckle@lemmy.worldOPM
    2 years ago

    Wow that was a ride. I can really relate to your soft core porn stuff lol. I used to use the underwear section of the clothing catalogue, going through the underwear section in the shops was intense after that though!

    Sorry you didn’t jump off into the world of dating and apps and all that. You said that he motivated you, but it sounds more like you motivated yourself because you saw something you wanted. I’ve got faith you can do it again if you want to, you’re still you and haven’t lost anything you had then (except maybe some eye candy).

    It can be hard to motivate ourselves after some time but honestly the first step is always the hardest 😊