• SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Biden never shifted. His platform is exactly as advertised. He was the moderate center left candidate that promised to be a continuation of Obama’s presidency, and that’s pretty much what we have. Voters in 2020 liked Bernie’s idea in spirit, but didn’t like his campaign, supporters, or the way he wanted to approach his big policies and they also didn’t want anything to do with trump. Biden was that in between candidate.

    Also why are leftists are crying victim? Why can’t you just accept that your views and policies are simply just that unpopular?

    • مهما طال الليل@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      I am willing to accept that they are not popular, but I don’t owe a party that doesn’t share my values a vote. In fact if enough people vote 3rd party we might get an idea of just how many people oppose both Biden and Trump. Maybe someone in the future will realize we are worth winning our votes, or not, but only one way to know. Either way we don’t share values or owe you anything, to you we are simply unpopular, so go and try to win over Republican voters.

      • SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I don’t care where you vote. I’m just pointing out the left, as in Marxist or some type of other socialists, are unpopular for actual reasons. This victim mentality where all of the left’s loses are the fault of someone else (bonus points if it’s a part of a conspiracy theory) and that your views are untouchable is just narcissistic.

        The reason why the left is ignored in America, or anywhere really, is because they put themselves in that position. They support shitty ideologies, they’re consistently anti American in rhetoric, they refuse to compromise, they constantly support tyrants and terrorist groups, they literally attack anybody who doesn’t 100% agree with them (like calling anybody you don’t like a nazi), they’re okay with thuggish tactics, their messaging is horrible, and most of the views aren’t even pragmatic. Americans are very open to social democracy and a strong welfare state, but nobody wants to support a shitty Marxist calling them and their country evil and how they want to burn down the country in favor of a system that killed millions. Why would the American populace support this? They obviously won’t and that’s why the number of leftists is small and irrelevant. It’s Leftists aren’t alone in this, Libertarians are also irrelevant for the same reasons.