How long do you plan on wearing a mask for? Will it be for the rest of your life? What will change your view?

This isn’t meant to be inflammatory. There’s someone at work who wears one everyday and I’m too afraid to ask them.

    4 months ago

    if I have something contagious, I’m going to wear a medical mask, because that’s the purpose of medical masks. That’s considered standard etiquette in other parts of the world, and I think it’s a little rude that people walk around with colds and flus without masking up. if I’m going to be in a tube with a bunch of other people, like an airplane, I’m wearing an N95. That’s not even about COVID, that’s just about fuck that shit

    also, I’m autistic, and there are times where I really don’t feel like having people see me. COVID made it socially acceptable to wear facial coverings indoors, so I might be at the grocery store wearing a hat, sunglasses, and mask, just because I’m not in the mood to be perceived. in this case it’s usually not a medical mask or n95, it’s either a decorative mask, or a neck gaiter pulled up.

    I still masked up everywhere for a lot longer than most people did, before deciding exactly what I was and was not comfortable with. I figured, now that we’ve got the vaccines, and more than one antiviral that can treat it, plus other treatments in the hospital, I’m comfortable treating it more like influenza. not something that I’m going to avoid like the plague, but something that I still want to avoid, and when other people have it, they should be going out of their way to not give it to others.

    oh and with the autism thing, if you have a place that’s blasting some oil diffuser, it helps a lot. people walk around blasting scent like it smells good and it’s just a headache