Some time ago I gave up using sonarr & radarr to watch (popular) tv shows and movies because the search just stopped giving decent results. Now I heard that rarbg has also quit.

So I am wondering, is this still a thing?

  • 子犬です
    2 years ago

    To piggyback on what /u/MonkCanatella said, here is a trash guide specifically for anime in Sonarr!

    This is what I used, and I added some custom rules too! There is an uploader who goes by “Judas”, so I added a rule that gives a positive weight of 100 whenever it’s his upload, so if it’s between 2 exact copies of a torrent, but 1 is by Judas, then he gets priority. I also made 265 a positive score instead of negative. And I also made dual audio positive.

    It works very well for me!