This is hilarious. Not only is today the first day of reddit without third party apps, but Elon shoots himself in the foot by making Twitter unusable.

self-promo in case you need a Twitter replacement

(By the way, if you need a Mastodon account to replace your Twitter, feel free to sign up at which is also run by me.)

    1 year ago

    Personally I don’t see much that makes it better then Lemmy, but other people seem to, and that’s why I consider it “viable”. Lemmy is nice and all but everyone I’ve suggested it to seems to be against it. I’ve heard things like it looks “outdated”, it doesn’t look “fully featured”, it’s too hard to use, they don’t trust it, so on.

    While I don’t agree with many things others say about Lemmy, it’s up to them to switch in the end, and they won’t for their own reasons. BlueSky, on the other hand, people seem to trust for some reason. Many people I still follow and keep up with on Twitter have said they want to switch to BlueSky when it’s available. Again, variety of reasons other people want to switch to it, but the main thing most are suggesting is they trust the people behind it, like Jack Dorsey.

    In the end, I personally just want to keep up with the people I’m following, and that requires them to be on a platform we both use. For just about everyone I follow on Twitter, that seems to be BlueSky for whatever reason. As for now though Lemmy works fine so I still intend to use it though.