in 2012 during a summer break from college i undertook an independent study of geometry. i purchased a ZomeTool and over a period of weeks, created the 3-dimensional structure you see in these photographs.
the process began by creating a simple cube and connecting all of the vertices. then, i exploded those exact vertices outward, directly connected with the original cube so as to visually flow the two shapes together. this new shape, i came to learn only after some research, is known as a ‘rhombic dodecahedron’. the R-D is an exact inversion of the cube with all line-lengths and angles preserved.
finally, i decided that some creative photography and image editing would be appropriate. i placed the approx 18-inches long cube/inverted against a black sheet (you can see the lower white vertices dip below the fabric) and used a Sony camera on a tripod and zoomed in from a distance of 10 feet. very delicate adjustments of object position and angle relative to the camera produced the series of 7 images in this set.
i did not set out upon an art project. and like most of the creative efforts in my life (and that i admire), it is a balance of information infused into beauty.
thank you for your time.