I made a post around a week ago that really took off, and figured we are probably going to see a small spike in activity due to the reddit migration, so I thought we could give it another go!

There are always tons of posts about what beans you are brewing, but my question is HOW are you brewing those beans this week? Sticking to the tried and true v60? Pick up a new Orea and still figuring out the best recipe for it? Pulling some particularly sweet shots on your latest beans haul? Let us know below! What’s your brew method of the day/week?

  • OneDimensionPrinter@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Got a Breville Barista something or other and have been using it daily for 2-3 years now. I am by no means good at this, but I have the morning iced drinks for my wife and I perfected.

    We usually get our beans from the Atlas coffee club thingy and rarely have a miss from them. When we recently found some beans from them we LOVED (some honey processing one) we managed to get some more bags of it from them and during that process found out that when they roast and package the beans, they’re shipped out within a few hours of a batch being finished. I honestly expected them to be older than that, which everybody tells me is a bad thing for espresso. So that was cool.

    I prefer hot coffee, but I want a milk drink in the mornings and can’t be bothered to steam milk within minutes of waking up. What a pain. But hey, iced works well enough.