You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things…

Kreative Suite
* Krita is your new design/painting app
* Kdenlive will give you video-editing powers
* glaxnimate adds 2D vector animations to you videos
* digiKam organises your collection images
* Inkscape - create sophisticated vector-graphic designs
* Scribus - layout like a pro
* GIMP - need we say more
* Blender - ditto

  • Felix 🐊
    8 months ago

    @manos_de_papel I’ve done a bit of that, but it’s difficult once you find a way that’s objectively faster/less keystrokes to get something done. Not all proprietary software’s got it figured out either, I just wish I had option to configure things how I want with the open source tools.

    Not to mention, people looking for alternatives may not be as patient as I am. I think the value of UX cannot be understated when it comes to creative tools

      • Felix 🐊
        8 months ago

        @manos_de_papel I appreciate your encouragement, but I’m familiar with the process. Like, I’ve hopped between several pieces of software, using SAI and CSP for personal work and PS for academic work. I’m passionate about FOSS so I’ve definitely spent some time trying to get it to work in Krita, GIMP and MyPaint, working on configs, waiting for different versions. I’ve gotten close to being able to work effectively but it took a lot longer to get there compared to setting up other painting programs.

        I’ve spent a lot of time toying around with Blender and I love it! But it’s close enough to industry standard that when I started taking classes in Maya, I was able to practice in Blender by just changing the control scheme. Blender is better for some things and maya is better for others to the point where the speed of any given task probably nets even (Blender might even be faster for me overall considering how easy modeling is), but with raster graphics programs I haven’t found a config that sticks yet, and getting close has taken me much longer than with other proprietary options :/ it’s not for lack of trying though, trust me