I think the biggest problem with this place ever becoming active is the different instances not staying in sync. On lemmy.ml where I created it I’m seeing 28 subscribers, 3 posts and 5 comments. Other instances are showing 5 subscribers, 3 posts and 3 comments and then there’s instances where I can’t find this place at all.

I’ve also sent PMs that either never send or never get read. How or why would people want to talk here when the experience is so inconsistent?

  • urkindagood
    1 year ago

    I saw 5 subscribers as well.

    How or why would people want to talk here when the experience is so inconsistent?

    This is basically what we could expect at best from a new forum, lmao.

    What kills me the most is the mobile I tried, Jerboa, loads content very very slowly. Half of the time it doesn’t even load and throws an error instead.

    • taskerhelpOPM
      1 year ago

      This is basically what we could expect at best from a new forum, lmao.

      Missing features? Sure. Replies and stuff missing? No way. People on the sh.itjust.works instance can’t see your reply to this post at the time of making this comment. That’s just silly. Especially since people on that instance have replied and are visible on lemmy.ml. As for other instances who knows? I can’t be bothered looking.

      What kills me the most is the mobile I tried, Jerboa, loads content very very slowly. Half of the time it doesn’t even load and throws an error instead.

      Connect on the Play Store seems alright but I can’t make it show me only communities I’ve subscribed to so I see heaps of stupid meme posts. As it is now I just don’t bother looking if Jerboa isn’t working.

      • urkindagood
        1 year ago

        Oh now everything loads today, connect still works more consistently than jerboa though. Thanks for bringing that app up.

        but I can’t make it show me only communities

        Ah I noticed this on Jerboa as well, there isn’t an option yet to make it a default feed. I have to manually select Subscribed (Lemmy) / Home (Connect) everytime I open up the apps.

        • taskerhelpOPM
          1 year ago

          Ah I noticed this on Jerboa as well, there isn’t an option yet to make it a default feed. I have to manually select Subscribed (Lemmy) / Home (Connect) everytime I open up the apps.

          I reinstalled Connect just now and am making this post from it. There must have been an update since I tried it because now I can make it only show me communities I’m part of. I’m also able to block communities. And for some reason it shows me your deleted post whereas other things have shown it as deleted. Although I do remember something about deleting stuff not being consistent on lemmy.

  • burgersc12@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I’m not sure exactly how the subscriber count works, but I think it supposed to show how many people are subscribed from your instance

    But I think its just cause not enough people who use the app made the jump. I really made the original post to gauge how interested people were in the community. I think if people on Lemmy have Tasker questions, there will be posts made at some point!

    • taskerhelpOPM
      1 year ago

      I’m not sure exactly how the subscriber count works, but I think it supposed to show how many people are subscribed from your instance

      That makes sense I guess but it’s kinda confusing if the other numbers aren’t instance based. And if they (posts and so on) are instance based I think that’s a bad idea.

      But I think its just cause not enough people who use the app made the jump. I really made the original post to gauge how interested people were in the community. I think if people on Lemmy have Tasker questions, there will be posts made at some point!

      Since reddit just works I expect most people won’t care to move or even think about it. Another thing is, if most of the lemmy apps are currently kinda broken, why not just stick with the crappy official reddit app and stick with the community you’re used to (assuming the mods haven’t broken it like /r/firefox)? By the way, did you ever get that PM I sent you? I don’t know if it ever sent or if you saw my other post asking.

  • sbv@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I think most of us haven’t experienced the inconsistency yet. We see our home instance and assume it’s correct.

    In general I agree. The current implementation of federation makes for a really shitty user experience.

    I really feel it on Mastodon: things are hard to find; search doesn’t really work; subscribing to stuff on other instances is convoluted.

    It doesn’t feel as bad on Lemmy.

  • Meho_Nohome@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    It’s much like when the internet was new. You couldn’t find anything and people said it was a stupid waste of time. It eventually got better. I’m hoping with the huge influx of users that the improvements will come much quicker.

    • taskerhelpOPM
      1 year ago

      The biggest problem I’ve seen is people posting from your instance aren’t even getting the replies from the main one synced. Viewing the thread there shows 3 or 4 posts while there’s at least 10 and who knows if there’s any missing from other instances.