John Waters is putting up posters with the slogan ‘Irish Projected to Be a Minority in Ireland by 2050’. User ‘ImprovingTaylorist’ posts it with the title ‘How is this even allowed? No wonder we have problems with the far right when blatant lies are being told like this.’

Some comments:

I mean is that statement not somewhat true though? Correct me if I’m wrong but in the census in 2006 had Irish people as 87% of the population of the country. In 2022 that was down to 76% so if that trend continues wouldn’t Irish people end up becoming a minority?

Really surprised that people think this claim is unfounded.

Our birthrate is well below replacement level and only declining. All our population growth is through immigration. We’re already at 23% foreign born.

When the older generation dies in the next 25 years we could very well shift to over 50% foreign born.

It’s racist to state a statistical fact if we use the data of the last 20 years now? My god, we live in a crazy time. This is highly possible if immigration continues at the rate it’s currently at, that is really worrying. It’s like some people on here want Ireland to completely lose its identity and become some weird version of America. It’s like you people have no original thought whatsoever, or worse, you are intentionally divisive and want Ireland to lose its identity.

Irish culture is loved for a reason and it’s endangered, we need to protect it instead of taking it for granted and throwing it all away because of an inferiority complex.

According to “Unpublished UK-based research, which he does not identify” - fella [John Waters] might be a closet unionist, cause that’s a lot of flegs

one of his leaflets was delivered to my house a few days ago - no mention of what he would actually do to improve things, just a QR code you could scan to learn more about the “woke agenda”. oddly, his campaign leaflet was accompanied by a leaflet about “vaccine victims”.

wonder how he’d feel knowing this was delivered to an engaged gay couples house lmfaoooo

Lads just skip the “it’s not happening” step and get to the “ok it is happening and it’s a good thing” bit. It’ll save a lot of time.

They’ve already moved on to “it’s a bad thing but you deserve it as punishment for colonialism/exploitation/capitalism”