(Spoiler, is there an actual spoiler tag?) You have to use a charged attack with a single handed weapon to complete this quest (maybe a spear also works, but I know a two handed weapon doesn’t).

Besides just leaving this information here, I also wanted to mention this is some bullshit.

  • nihilomaster
    2 years ago

    So that’s what it was? I ran all over the plave for like 40 minutes trying to find the right spot. I think i went to that place like six times because i thought “this just HAS to be it” but nothing i tried worked until it just randomly did. Let me tell you, I did not enjoy those ruins in general but tha was just some next level bullshit.

    • slacks9579OP
      2 years ago

      Same here, after a while I just thought to myself “this has to be it, I’m probably missing something” and checked online to find out it was a charged attack for some reason (I guess because it hits all of them at once? I don’t know)

      And yea I think you get a cool sword in the end but other than that these ruins seem kinda pointless