that’s amazing that it’s still usable today after 14 years, gives me hope that I can keep my t430 running until a similarly good device appears on the market
It’s not my main machine but it is my only laptop, and sticking an extra 8gb of ram and an ssd in it was all it needed to become very responsive even for modern software. Unless you’re playing video games or doing some heavyweight media editing projects, those older CPUs and GPUs can cope better than one might expect
You’re running a t410??
that’s amazing that it’s still usable today after 14 years, gives me hope that I can keep my t430 running until a similarly good device appears on the market
A t420, but yes
It’s not my main machine but it is my only laptop, and sticking an extra 8gb of ram and an ssd in it was all it needed to become very responsive even for modern software. Unless you’re playing video games or doing some heavyweight media editing projects, those older CPUs and GPUs can cope better than one might expect