I have a self-filling, self-cleaning water bowl for my dogs. With two Great Danes, keeping the water bowl clean and full is a chore.
Right now it uses a digital timer and does an empty/fill cycle 16 times per day using those capacitive water sensors for the level setting and overflow detection. In a future iteration I plan on incorporating MQTT via WiFi for alerts and manual control.
It is a DIY setup. We had one of those bottle setups like you describe. For my big dogs all it did was slowly become more slobber than water. I realized the problem wasn’t more water but getting rid of the slobber.
Post above describes what I did if you’re interested.
I have a self-filling, self-cleaning water bowl for my dogs. With two Great Danes, keeping the water bowl clean and full is a chore.
Right now it uses a digital timer and does an empty/fill cycle 16 times per day using those capacitive water sensors for the level setting and overflow detection. In a future iteration I plan on incorporating MQTT via WiFi for alerts and manual control.
What brand is it? I currently have a gravity fed 2 gallon bowl but fully self filling would be great.
It is a DIY setup. We had one of those bottle setups like you describe. For my big dogs all it did was slowly become more slobber than water. I realized the problem wasn’t more water but getting rid of the slobber.
Post above describes what I did if you’re interested.
I would also like to know this, best I could come up with was one of those electric water cooler pumps that fit over the top of the bottle.