Round 2: How long have you been using YNAB for?

Bonus questions: was it your first budgeting app?

Do you also use a spreadsheet?

    2 years ago

    About 10 years, starting with YNAB4 after it was on a steam sale.

    I used to use a (really crap) spreadsheet I built myself, which was fine when I was a student and had (relatively speaking) simple finances and little money. After a few years of work, getting credit cards, and having to deal with a lot of work-related travel expenses (which could often be over 1k a month) I needed something I trusted a bit more than my excel-fu.

    I held out on transferring to “nYNAB” for about a year, mostly because of the bad habits I had got in to (right arrow, entering pay early, and not using credit cards properly), but haven’t looked back since.

    The only time I’ve considered leaving was the price hike - I was grandfathered in to the $45/yr tier - but the family / multibudget functionality brought me (and my partner) back as it meant the price basically stayed the same after we combined accounts.