Starting from a molecule on up, to cells and beyond, at what system level is a being actually making a decision rather than reacting to their chemical environment based on purely chemical laws? For example, the molecules in a cells are solely reacting to their environment based on chemical fundamentals. However, a person thinks things through and makes decisions. Where in that range do we see decisions start to emerge?

    1 year ago

    You’ve stumbled upon the basis of the debate between free will and determinism. imo, we are merely under the illusion that we’re making our own choices. The universe is one infinitely complex system of falling dominoes, with each choice and action just being the result of the parameters set by the ones preceding it. We are all made up of the same basic building blocks, and are thus just subatomic systems obeying the laws of thermodynamics… it just happens to be the case that when a system reaches a certain level of complexity, it is able to think about itself - we are quite literally the universe experiencing its own existence.

    Why is this? I don’t know. Nobody knows. Consciousness and ‘the ability to experience’ is one of the most elusive and complex questions facing science and philosophy today. It’s my personal belief that there is certainly ‘something’ more to this whole cosmic experience, but I’m not convinced by religion’s answers and believe ‘it’ to be something so vastly incomprehensible and foreign, we’d never understand it even if the mystery were revealed to us. It isn’t something I like to think about too deeply, because unfortunately, it opens up an infinite regress of questions we will likely never have the answers to.

      1 year ago

      I think similarly, and have come to the pseudo-conclusion that given infinite data we could predict any single decision. Is that determinism? Yeah, but also we don’t and can’t have infinite data, so also no? But still yeah? Maybe the answer is free will is in a quantum state, and you both do and don’t have it.