Thought the officiating was complete bs the first half but Murray can’t be doing this shit, got really lucky he avoided suspension.

Edit: announced he was fined $100k

  • edric
    412 days ago

    Good luck getting any favorable calls the rest of the series. Refs will surely remember that.

    212 days ago

    So weak to throw a towel and heating pad like that.

    Oh, you’re getting your butt beat? Play better. Just because you won before doesn’t mean you deserve anything.

    I was kind of rooting for the Nuggets coming in to the series, but not any more.

    111 days ago

    Baffling decision by the NBA to not suspend him for doing something so blatently dangerous and disrespectful. The man is throwing a toddler tantrum and the NBA is basically just looking the other way. If it was an accident that happened once, I would understand, but it was multiple objects.