I’ve been learning C# with .NET Core and would like to start hosting my projects online, everything I’ve done is locally so far.

I don’t THINK I need a Windows Server host, they seem to be expensive, I think .NET runs ok on a Linux server? But when searching for a .NET hosting provider I see windows everywhere.

I’m hoping to find as low a cost option as possible. It will be mostly for hosting projects to show potential employers / clients etc.

where do you generally host your .NET projects? I’ve seen AWS / Azure / Linode recommended, but I think costs can spiral quickly?

  • iceycake
    2 years ago

    If there is not much traffic initially, can you consider just hosting that at home. You can use dynamic dns to point a domain back to your home ip address.

    Once you start receive real user traffic, you can consider move to public cloud. If you can build everything into docker containers and user serverless database option, the price won’t be that bad until you hit critical mass.