I was thinking about listening to {Incandescence} on audiobook. I haven’t read an Egan novel yet, but am excited to, I love creative big-concept sci-fi and am the kind of person to watch videos on math and physics for fun, even if some of it goes over my head.

My only concern with listening on audiobook is that I know a lot of people have a difficult time grasping some of the out-there physics ideas/explanations in Egan’s novels. With a physical novel you can read through at your own pace and easily re-read sections until you feel you understand enough to move on, rather than being stuck in some kind of pause-and-rewind hell with an audiobook.

So, audiobook a good idea, or stick to physical?

  • kilmister
    2 years ago

    I recently started going through his Best Of short story anthology both by reading and by listening. You’ll need to put 120% of your attention, but (at least for me) it was easier to get lost while listening (big surprise). I’d stick to physical.