Alien: Another crab? Does the universe not have anything original
Alien kids putting the puzzle back together: dammit, another crab! Mom, let me try another!
Alien: Damn, it looks just like my mother-in-law!
Plot twist: Aliens are crabs as well
That’s probably why aliens never made contact with us.
We are freaks of nature. We didn’t evolve into crab.
All our sci-fi series depict bipedal creatures all over the place.
The rest of the universe just isn’t represented, man. Make more crab fiction and the aliens will visit!
Humans are racist
It’s just political commentary
Craaaaaaab people,
Craaaaaaab people,
Taste like crab,
Talk like people
How do we know it didn’t have feathers?
Right? Or prehensile tails and yodel like the Swiss do when you carefully crush their nuts in a vice?
Peak evolution
The perfected form
Transhumanism is just a bunch of softshelled crabs with fingers
Everything tastes like chicken.
What about me…do I taste like chicken?
You taste like pork.
…or sour