• AutoTL;DRB
    128 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    After recently announcing they’d be working to get out Micro-Engine Scheduler (MES) firmware documentation and open-source code, AMD said they would be working to open-source more of their software stack and hardware documentation.

    AMD posted to X (Twitter) on Sunday: "We appreciate the open source interest in Radeon.

    We’re on track to release MES documentation late May followed by source code.

    Additional parts of the Radeon stack to be open sourced throughout the year.

    They also continue pointing to the nod-ai/fuzzyHSA GitHub repository as the resource for fixes and more information on these efforts.

    Beyond the MES firmware documentation/code, it will be interesting to see what more AMD open sources throughout 2024 whether it be firmware or other components to complement their existing open-source Linux kernel graphics/compute driver stack from the open AMDGPU/AMDKFD kernel drivers up through all of their user-space bits.

    The original article contains 194 words, the summary contains 142 words. Saved 27%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!