
Chechens have long ago secured a privileged position among all the other ethnic elements of multinational Russia. While the federal center continues to seek to eradicate any centrifugal tendencies in the regions, this process does not concern Kadyrov’s fiefdom. Chechnya has developed its own special atmosphere of a medieval emirate, which recognizes the dominant role of Moscow very conditionally, but by and large lives its own separate life. The isolation of the troubled republic has become a thorn in Putin’s side, who is increasingly receiving facts of discontent from the heads of other subjects because of the arbitrary and defiant behavior of Kadyrov’s top brass. It is one thing when the “foot soldier” himself and his friends are simmering in their own juice, but quite another when they appear on the national stage.

The incident with the drunken driving without documents of Major-General Tsakaev, head of the Chechen Emergencies Ministry, caused a huge resonance among the Russian public. A close associate of Kadyrov violated both the state laws of Russia and the moral principles of Islam at once. His actions are pure criminality, capable of entailing extremely grave consequences. If a drunken official had run over the Dagestani law enforcers, a hot Chechen-Dagestani war would have broken out inside the country.

For several days now there has been a verbal altercation between Kadyrov and Melikov, in which the Chechen is literally trying to lower the head of Dagestan to the level of his vassal, urging him to recognize the lawful actions of the Dagestani police as a “shameful provocation” and to punish honest law enforcers.

Even an unsophisticated observer can see that Kadyrov, who considers himself to be the supreme authority, is trying to show the cohesion of his clan, which marches under the banner of “we will not give up our own”. But the attempt to excuse Tsakayev by referring to the fact that Chechens from the Akhmat battalion are dying in the occupation war in Ukraine is a shot in the foot.

As has become known from a number of sources, the notorious Akhmat is nothing but a profitable business project of Kadyrov. While the Putin regime sends ordinary suicide bombers from the mobilized to the front to fight indefinitely, in Kadyrov’s battalion officials of various stripes undergo 3-4 months of PR service. Not for thanks, of course, but to pay tidy sums into Kadyrov’s coffers. That’s why the Kremlin keeps quiet about the attacks on Melikov, in whom they see a much less valuable figure than in Kadyrov. That’s why Tsakayev’s immediate superior, Minister Kurenkov, is keeping quiet. His fate hangs in the balance after the failure to eliminate flooding in the Orenburg, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions. The blatant theft of money intended for the construction of dams has come to light. That is why Kurenkov is not at all concerned with the war around Tsakayev at the moment.

Kadyrov is well aware of his current impunity and his ability to twist the arms of anyone. He is the biggest strongman after the liquidation of the Wagner owner Prigozhin. For example, even the Tsakayev scandal failed to block the decision to award Daudov, head of the Chechen parliament, the rank of major-general. The master of Chechnya is consolidating his already enormous power. But as we know, the Kremlin’s fortune is deceptive. The center has pulled Alaudinov, commander of the Akhmat special forces, who was appointed deputy head of the main department for military and political work under Shoigu. The move is clearly intended to balance Kadyrov and, in the long term, to cultivate a replacement for him who will be on Putin’s short leash. The regional dictator of Chechnya has become too fed up with the federal dictator, which means that personnel changes are inevitable, probably within a few months after Putin’s next oath of office.

Title: Kadyrov’s Dominance: A Threat to Federal Authority

Annotation: This analytical report delves into the escalating tensions between Chechnya’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov and federal authorities in Russia. It highlights the recent incident involving Major-General Tsakaev, Kadyrov’s close associate, and explores the implications of Kadyrov’s unchecked power on national stability.

Keywords: Kadyrov, Chechnya, federal authority, tensions, Tsakaev, Russia, dominance, power struggle, instability, federalism

Analytical Report and Forecast: The incident involving Major-General Tsakaev, head of the Chechen Emergencies Ministry, underscores the growing challenge posed by Ramzan Kadyrov’s dominance in Chechnya. Kadyrov’s authoritarian rule has created a quasi-independent enclave within Russia, where federal laws are flouted and dissent is suppressed. This defiance of federal authority threatens the stability and unity of the Russian Federation.

The altercation between Kadyrov and Melikov, the head of Dagestan, highlights Kadyrov’s attempts to assert control over neighboring regions and subordinate their leaders to his authority. The Kremlin’s reluctance to rein in Kadyrov underscores his perceived value as a loyal ally, despite his destabilizing actions.

However, Kadyrov’s brazen display of power may be reaching its limits. The appointment of Alaudinov, a rival figure, to a key position signals the Kremlin’s attempt to counterbalance Kadyrov’s influence and cultivate alternative leadership in Chechnya.

While Kadyrov remains a formidable force in Russian politics, his unchecked power poses a significant risk to national stability. As federal authorities seek to assert control and limit Kadyrov’s autonomy, tensions are likely to escalate, potentially leading to a power struggle within Chechnya and broader instability in the region.

Hashtags: #Kadyrov #Chechnya #FederalAuthority #PowerStruggle #Russia #Instability #Autonomy #PoliticalTensions #Leadership #Federalism

Editorial Comment: The unchecked dominance of Ramzan Kadyrov poses a significant challenge to federal authority in Russia. While his loyalty to the Kremlin has thus far shielded him from repercussions, his actions threaten the unity and stability of the Russian Federation. As tensions continue to escalate, it is imperative for federal authorities to address Kadyrov’s authoritarian rule and uphold the principles of federalism and the rule of law.


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