The world has failed to understand the social nature of diabetes and underestimated the true scale and threat the disease poses.

    1 year ago

    “will be” ??

    It already has been for decades. The north American diet is a death sentence basically. Everything from “fine dinning” to “fast foods” encourages everyone to over-eat for one. For another portions are insane, and food quality is low. High carbs everywhere, high saturated fats, low fiber, low or now water, too much caffeine and alcohol, sedentary jobs, sedentary hobbies, driving everywhere… it’s just crazy. Trading health for “convenience” is not my idea of high quality life.

    And all this development of medications is another indicator of tools to drive profits to pharma vs investment in effective long term interventions which permanently educate and change behaviours which lead to these issues… What do we get instead? A war between an 100 billion dollar weight loss industry and pharma.

    Pretty sure that I know who is going to lose in their battle.

    Obesity is not a just social, individual issue in this country – it’s an economic systemic problem which is ironically being supported by the very systems claiming to rile against it.

      1 year ago

      Agreed, we need to structurally reconfigure how we live our lives to fix this problem. Trying to get everyone to become “health concious” isn’t gonna cut it, which is what they’ve been trying to do for years.