I mean… let’s see… give it to a genocidal maniac… or to a scrappy little country that’s holding on and fighting tooth and nail against a genocidal maniac?
It’s almost like they had BioWare write the morality check…
Bioware at least tries sometimes. This is a Ken Levine morality check. Maybe even a David Cage morality check
In Fable I was allowed to beat children into a corner and eat baby chickens live until I grew horns.
See you don’t get it because you’re not looking at the big picture. We need to eliminate Palestinians from Gaza so more old couples from Brooklyn can move there after retiring.
Gotta dispense with the GOP fascsists in Congress first. Theyre to busy cashing their russian checks to give aid to those who actually need it.
I mean, that and the president is an actual Zionist who cares more about the “holy land” more than he does about western democracy. So we got that going for us.
Its almost like america never had Ukraine’s best interest at heart and was only using it to wage a proxy war with an economic threat