Depending on your symptoms I’ve found saline nasal spray works well - I avoid the stuff with steroids in personally. As well as Boots own brand hayfever eye drops. As for antihistamines nothing seems to work very well. I tend to stick with taking a Piriton tablet (Chlorphenamine) at night because they are sedating so at least I get some sleep.
Rain helped my wife massively the last few days. Then one wee bit of sun yesterday and the council were out cutting the grass around us and it’s killing her once again. Gonna recommend fexofenadine and see if that helps her more than the shite she’s using atm. Cheers!
I swear the pollen levels have been super high the last few days! My sinuses are all over the place and the antihistamines aren’t doing enough to help
Depending on your symptoms I’ve found saline nasal spray works well - I avoid the stuff with steroids in personally. As well as Boots own brand hayfever eye drops. As for antihistamines nothing seems to work very well. I tend to stick with taking a Piriton tablet (Chlorphenamine) at night because they are sedating so at least I get some sleep.
The rain seems to be helping down south. Have you tried fexofenadine, they’re the only antihistamine that works for me now?
Rain helped my wife massively the last few days. Then one wee bit of sun yesterday and the council were out cutting the grass around us and it’s killing her once again. Gonna recommend fexofenadine and see if that helps her more than the shite she’s using atm. Cheers!
Hope it helps. Personally, it took about three days of taking it before it properly started working.