(Reproducing this from Fission Talk)

Below I will add in my condensed chapter notes. Each chapter is available as its own paper on the book website 1 if you want to just pick and choose. Many of these chapters were presented as papers at the Internet Governance Forum in 2022.

Here is the TOC for your reference:

  • Chad KohalykOPM
    9 months ago

    Ch7: Decentralized but Coordinated: Probing Polycentricity in EU Data Protection Cross-border Enforcement

    • examines how the GDPR works in different EU countries, its hierarchies of DPAs, the EDPB and the OSS
    • corresponds more to networked governance rather than polycentric governance.
      • polycentric governance features the existence of multiple centers of authority
      • networked governance emphasizes the interconnectedness and collaboration among actors
      • Multi-level governance concerns how authority is distributed vertically among different levels of government (central, regional, and local),
    • before GDPR enforcement was ‘unmanageable for companies … and an inefficient waste of resources for regulators’ a “fragmented, decentralized enforcement model”
    • “purely decentralized model emphasizes the independence and autonomy” but lacks cooperation, coordination, and consistency
    • Harmonization of procedural rules is key {something Canada also needs - CK}
      • ==NOTE: “Organizational APIs” (my term) are critical for polycentrism. This is what excites smart contract and DAO people… but it very difficult to encode (as seen in a later chapter)==
    • presents 2 case studies: Clearview AI and Meta
    • “the latest developments appear to initiate a shift from the polycentric model”… a hierarchy is forming with power residing with the EDPB. This article is a warning.