Yes, it is probably a weird question, but I tried a lot, and I started to think that maybe is impossible to overload this template function properly:

#include <iterator>

class Foo
    const int arr[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
    const int* begin() const { return arr; }

friend auto std::begin<>(const Foo &f) -> decltype(f.begin());

It always throw the same error (in GCC 12.2.0):

main.cxx:10:13: error: template-id ‘begin<>’ forconst int* std::begin<>(const Foo&)’ does not match any template declaration

I just wanna know if is possible do things like this. Thanks.

    10 months ago

    Ah, nice idea. I’ve tried a few different ways of doing this, and I think what you’re seeing is a discrepancy in how the compiler handles member access into incomplete types. It seems that, in your examples, the compiler is allowing -> decltype(f.private_msg) within the class, but I think it’s not selecting do_something outside of it because it uses decltype(t.private_msg). In my case, I’m not even able to do that within the class.

    For example, since I’m not able to use decltype(f.private_msg) inside the class, I’m using decltype(private_msg) instead, which causes an error at the do_something declaration related to incomplete type (presumably because of the t.private_msg usage):

    // candidate template ignored; member access into incomplete type
    templateclass Tauto do_something(T &t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            friend auto do_something〈〉(Foo &f) -> decltype(private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo &f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;

    My reasoning is that removing the t.private_msg from the declaration works:

    templateclass Ret, class Tauto do_something(T &t) -> Ret;
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            friend auto do_something〈〉(Foo &f) -> decltype(private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo &f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;
    static Foo foo{};
    // this works, but Ret cannot be deduced and must be specified somehow:
    static auto something = do_something〈const char*〉(foo);

    The reason your second example works is because the friend template inside the class acts as a template declaration rather than a specialization, which isn’t specialized until after Foo is complete:

    // the do_something inside Foo is a declaration, meaning this isn't used
    // template 〈class T〉
    // auto do_something(T &t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            templateclass T// t.private_msg is allowed because T is not Foo yet
            friend auto do_something(T &t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo &f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;