Yes, I know this tram looks funny. According to the Metrou Ușor forum (Romanian), PAFS comes from Fiber-Glass-Armed Polyester. Just in case you didn’t know if there was something else having collections of acronyms in its name in this entire world (a la GNOME), the fully expanded tram model name reads as follows:
Triple-Articulated Car with Partially Lowered Floor and Fiber-Glass-Armed Polyester
Or in Romanian
Vagon Triplu Articulat cu Podea Parțial Coborâtă și Poliester Armat cu Fibră de Sticlă
I’m personally having trouble even spelling out the short name of that thing.
Anyway, this is a refurbishment effort on the part of URAC (Uzina de Reparații Atelierele Centrale), the tram factory and repairs shop of the transit authority in Bucharest to make the older V3A-93 cars more modern, along with adding a composite material to prevent rust from forming (the original V3A-93 is made of steel, just like another car that rusts, made by Tesla 😉) - and more of a prototype. The vehicle also has a refurbished interior, a lowered 2nd section (as the name implies) and new seats, with more padding compared to the previous plastic seats. What do you guys think of this?
Oh, this is exactly the tram (line) I was talking about, if I recall correctly this is in Daramioara neighbourhood, as I’ve said, they are still shaky (maybe it’s because of the line itself and not the tram??) and the POS being still not tested very well