So I’ve seen a few posts regarding news outlets calling the protests a failure, and I don’t really think that’s the case. The protests have clearly made an impact, especially if the Reddit CEO is willing to oust MODS to reopen subreddits. I truly believe that something has been jump started here on Lemmy, Kbin, and all of the fediverse. What happened on Reddit has simply pushed those already on the fence, or looking for other social media platforms to jump ship. I truly believe the impact is greater than what the media and Reddit in general want us to believe. Something has started here on the fediverse that simply cannot be stopped, all we can do is inform others and show why it’s the future of aggregated news boards and social media.

    1 year ago

    @Defaced Agree, I don’t think Reddit was every likely to die from the protests, in that sense it wasn’t a success. However, the fact that viable alternatives exist and more will pop up because of the protest makes it a success in my book.

    The protest planted the seeds, it might take a while to see the fruit.