so, long story short, there was a fantastic generator on wizardawn and mag that got taken down because their new server couldn’t do something with their old code or somesuch. they have made all that old code available to people who want to manually run the old website on their computers, but my computer can’t run it.

i have the php code for the specific generator i want, is perchance able to do something with php code or do i need to pull all the relevent text out and reformat it entirely?

  • VioneT@lemmy.worldM
    6 months ago

    Unfortunately I don’t think there is a converter from PHP to the Perchance Syntax currently, so you might need to reformat it entirely.

    I can try to help remaking it. You can DM me or post the PHP code so people can try to also check it out. I’m not well-versed with PHP, but if it just contains a couple lists of items and how it templates the output, I might be able to make a Perchance generator with it.

    • dlcnate1@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      i am pretty sure i can handle it, its just lists, but its a bunch and i was hoping i could essentially drag and drop or find and replace…

      but thank you for the offer