Earlier this month, Anime News Network was able to sit down with Director Keiichi Hara and talk a bit about his newest anime film, Lonely Castle in the...
It’s always so interesting to see how different cultures have to tackle seemingly similar problems that in fact have huge variances in their…application I guess is a good word here. The idea of an entire society encouraging forgiveness towards a bully is definitely a very Japanese, and in some ways a generally eastern philosophical, cultural motif. Something individuals there would have to account for in their solutions, but not necessarily in America where that forgiveness is very much not a give.
It’s always so interesting to see how different cultures have to tackle seemingly similar problems that in fact have huge variances in their…application I guess is a good word here. The idea of an entire society encouraging forgiveness towards a bully is definitely a very Japanese, and in some ways a generally eastern philosophical, cultural motif. Something individuals there would have to account for in their solutions, but not necessarily in America where that forgiveness is very much not a give.