As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if by historical standards Ferdinand isn’t even richt but instead everyone else is just almost in poverty. I’m starting to think that magic isn’t the only thing that was forgotten with time
Ferdinand also spent a lot of time collecting books in particular because he knew that if Ehrenfest ever ran out of books Rozemyne hadn’t read yet, it would be much more difficult to hold her reins.
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if by historical standards Ferdinand isn’t even richt but instead everyone else is just almost in poverty. I’m starting to think that magic isn’t the only thing that was forgotten with time
Ferdinand also spent a lot of time collecting books in particular because he knew that if Ehrenfest ever ran out of books Rozemyne hadn’t read yet, it would be much more difficult to hold her reins.