Like, best text editor? Helix, Neovim, vim, emacs? All of the above, because why not? Currently leaning helix, becuase there’s less setup involved with plugins and what not, but I’m not a serious programmer or anything.

Any reason to use an alternative to bash?

Any cool games? Best terminal file manager? Tmux or Zelij? Etc.

Useful aliases you use?

I’m currently messing around with NixOS, and was trying to build up a replacement for my current debian media server, and (eventually, hopefully, inshallah ) as a replacement to my current windows install.

I like debian a lot, but after installing it on both my laptop and server there was a lot of program drift between the two, when I wanted them to basically be identical, and then I found nix, and thought “this looks neat” and the idea of being able to reproduce everything on each install, with the same config format, appealed to me. I am currently playing around with it in a vm until the config is to my liking.

Seeing as the .nix config files are so portable I started working on a “module” for terminal apps to get about as close to a fully functional system as you can get with only a command line or terminal session, just to see what I could do.

So far I have quite a list, and looked over quite a few top 10 lists for this stuff, but was wondering if there was anything else out there I’m overlooking?

Pic is of my current bash prompt with starship, which was incredibly easy to get working and tweak thanks to home-manager modules. If anyone else is running starship and has a cool config they want to share, please do.

  • sovietknuckles [they/them]
    6 months ago

    Any reason to use an alternative to bash?

    Some people will say that zsh is a better interactive shell than bash, but using a different interactive shell than the shell that runs your scripts makes it harder to write shell scripts. I’ve also heard that because zsh technically implements POSIX that you can simply target sh for your shell scripts, which is also not a good idea. There’s too many variants of sh, and some variants like Dash do not support Bash features like [[ conditions, it’s much more practical to target bash.