Hey folks! I’m looking for suggestions for a next keyboard project. I was hoping to leverage your collective expertise so I can make some good choices.
I currently daily drive a compatyl v5 and I’m working on bulding a Scylla. Both hand-wired and 3d-printed at home.
I’d like to 3D print and hand-wire a smaller board. I’d like
- Compact build (around 40% size. Something like a Corne or a Planck)
- Thumb-clusters
- Split
- At least column-staggered but possibly curved like a Dactyl-style board
- Possibility of a full wireless build
- Bonus for easy tenting support
The best I’ve found so far is the Skeletyl but I’d love to review my options
+1 for the Rommana. It is my daily driver when working from home. You can find my handwired build log in the referenced page.
This is so cool! I’ve seen the solderless stuff before, but i still can’t quite believe that it’s so stable :D Have you had any problems with loose contacts?
Indeed it is cool. I did it as an experiment and it really works, but I had a lot of problems with loose contacts. It is somewhat stable now, but if I move the board too much the problems come back. I have a tweezer in range all the time for quick fixes, and also had to replace the BOX jades and use 5 pin switches.