I’ve found that I still record a lot of data while hiking. Trail surfaces, POIs, you name it. However I find less and less time to turn these datasets into actual map data. I can’t be the only one that this happens to. Is there some kind of service that connects people that collect data and armchair mappers?

  • @infeeeee@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    All common OSM compatible street level imagery services allow you to upload photos manually. Kartaview uploader can even add GPS data to the images from a GPX file, so if you use a camera without GPS it can still place them to the correct location if you recorded your trip with a different device:

    • @the_third@feddit.deOP
      12 months ago

      Yes. For imagery that shows an entire road, these seem reasonable. However, sometimes I take detailed imagery for additional information, e.g. here’s a fixed point. It can definitely be mapped but the only info this image delivers is “it’s a fix point” and the coordinates in EXIF:

      Or, here’s a sign I found on a barn that informs us about the build date of the barn:

      Should I just put these on Panoramax as well?

  • JauneBaguette
    12 months ago

    @the_third Ah, I’m on the other side of the spectrum. Don’t have any time or motivation to go outdoor, but have some freetime for armchair mapping. The thing is, I think one can’t extract every bit of information from captured data, so your best bet would be to upload and share your gpx (OSM) and pictures (Panoramax?). Not sure about the others bits, depends on the format I guess

    • @the_third@feddit.deOP
      22 months ago

      gpx (OSM)

      Yep, that’s the right place for the tracks. Not even necessary around here, because we can use excellent public open data for mapping, 20cm/px aerial imagery, digital surface model, stuff like that.

      The important part are the images, but I can’t really upload them to any existing image service out there because they are only useful for osm. Some samples. You can see that these would be wrong on any panorama image service, they are really mostly road, a barn, a sign, you name it.