Last night, I used Redact to delete all my comments, then altered the settings to make an exception for one and only one subreddit. To check if I even had comments left in that subreddit, I kept an eye on my comments through Infinity. At first the comments were being deleted one by one, then suddenly it showed a “No comments found” screen half-way through the deletion. So I looked through a post in that subreddit where I entered a discussion, and it turns out that my comments there were still up, despite my comments tab showing nothing. I then checked RiF and it didn’t show my comments through my profile. Today (after having deleted everything), I checked through my comments in my post in another subreddit, and it turns out they were still up, despite the fact that I didn’t make exceptions for it. Still found no comments through my profile.

      2 years ago

      Yes, since even on the website on mobile or desktop, you have the 1000 indexing limit. PDS relies on hitting the delete button on each comment/post that’s visible. So if you can’t see a comment because it’s past the 1k limit, then PDS can’t see it either and can’t delete it.

      Now, the changes to the API probably won’t. Power Delete Suite is a javascript plugin on the browser and when I look at it, there’s no api calls. Rather it just simulates you clicking manually on the edit / delete button of each submission / post.

      However, PDS relies on the old dot reddit dot com layout (and goes to there automatically), so it might stop working if we lose old reddit.

      The other thing is that I tried PDS and have had a very bad experience with it. Compared to the scripts out there like shreddit, I found PDS to be unreliable (no way to verify it deleted successfully if a rate limit stopped it, also it doesn’t save all content and returned a truncated CSV file).